Friday, May 23, 2008

Drew's Graduation

This is actually a picture of one of Drew's best friends, I thought this was a picture of Drew.

The Three Musketeer's, Ryan K, Adam and Drew. BFF

Well, it's official, Drew is off to Kindergarten (boo-whoo) and his mom's not taking it to well. I just can't imagine being home without him here constantly bouncing a ball or playing hockey in the foyer. It's going to be so quite! I guess I might actually get something accomplished.

His pre-k graduation was very cute. They walked in to the graduation theme song, showed a slide show, sang a few songs (which I have to share) and got there diploma. Drew has made some really good friends and I know he is going to miss them. (We love you Ryan K and Adam) We plan on having a great summer, filled with lots of swimming, playing and hopefully time to do summer reading. We'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

Wow! They are growing so fast! It seems like only yesterday he was streaking!