Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After a bath.
So sweet!
My hunky husband, Kathryn Webber, Drew and Anna Claire.

I'm finally getting around to posting our vacation pictures. We went to Destin for a week and had a great time. We spent all day, everyday at the beach. The kids loved the sand and water. Drew loved being able to play with his best pal and cousin for a week straight. Anna Claire was her typical high maintainance self. I did manage to get her to take a nap everyday on the beach, which was nice, her wonderful grandmather (BeBe) even held her a couple of days so I could enjoy myself. Hope you enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

I don't think your kids could get any cuter! That looks like a great time!