Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The last of the beach pics

The gang!

Even morebeach pics

Jimmy Johnson, I mean Drew Stephen.


I had to get them to stop this ride early to get her off.

More beach pics

So serious!
As luke and Drew say "brothers forever"

Anna Claire is going through that stage where she won't look at the camera. it's gotta be a control thing.
Drew looking like a stud in his Speedo's


After a bath.
So sweet!
My hunky husband, Kathryn Webber, Drew and Anna Claire.

I'm finally getting around to posting our vacation pictures. We went to Destin for a week and had a great time. We spent all day, everyday at the beach. The kids loved the sand and water. Drew loved being able to play with his best pal and cousin for a week straight. Anna Claire was her typical high maintainance self. I did manage to get her to take a nap everyday on the beach, which was nice, her wonderful grandmather (BeBe) even held her a couple of days so I could enjoy myself. Hope you enjoy the pics.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Anna Claire's 1st Ladies Garden party

I'm just trying to get the image of the boars out of your head.

Southern Hills Church of Christ Softball 2nd place Champs

Swim Lessons at Camp Nickajack

Like I said, "you might be a redneck if...."

I figured if I have to have the hog head in MY freezer, then the least I could do is show you a picture. And by the way, I'm making sure I raise a redneck, not a thug.