Monday, June 23, 2008

You Might be a Red Neck if.......

No need to take a "double take," you were right the first time, these are Wild Boar and that would be my precious husband proudly showing off the bacon he would soon bring home to his family. Oh, and I forgot, he also brought home the "head" of the one he shot and put it in our deep freeze until he decides whether or not to have it mounted.
Anyone want to come over for a cookout, we have plenty on tenderloin or how about breakfast, you know, ham and biscuits.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to me!

Andy asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day and I told him I wanted a playset for the kids. At first he thought I was kidding, but I told him there was nothing that would make me happier. Our neighbors just moved to CA and offered there Rainbow playset to us for a great price and we jumped on it. The kids are so excited, Anna Claire loves to swing.

Summer Fun

Anna Claire and her cousin, Kate enjoying a Popsicle on a hot day.

Drew entering"Burt's Boot Camp." Actually this is Drew getting ready for his swim lessons at Camp Nickajack. He is doing great.

Drew and his cousin, Billy #3, Drew thinks he hung the moon.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Random pics

Drew and Taylor
Anna Claire driving the train at the Discovery Center.
Drew, Kathryn and Anna Claire in a tree house at Discovery Center.
Anna Claire playing dress up, notice the surgical gloves, she can pull anything off.
Drew and I skating at Southern Ice Arena during free skate.

Busy as Bees

Luke Smith

I'm a little behind on my updating, so I'll be brief with my typing. The last night of our VBS, Drew invited a friend to go with him. Drew and Taylor went to school together last year, they were "girlfriend and boyfriend", she even gave him his first kiss on the cheek. They haven't seen each other for a year but still talk about each other all the time. They even sent each other a X-mas card. Anyways, Drew told everyone in our church he was bringing his "girlfriend" to VBS. He even referred to her as his"woman". They hit it off again and she came over the other day and spent the entire day with us. She is so precious!

Drew also started the G.O.A.L hockey program this month. This program is a learning camp through the Preds to get kids interested in hockey. It's worked for Drew, he loves it. They wear full pads, stick/puck and all. Luke, Drew's cousin, is also doing it. They think they are ready to be drafted at any moment.

Monday, June 2, 2008

A few more VBS pics

Balloon toss
Pure excitement!

Vacation Bible School

Sunday night was our VBS kick-off at our church. It was awesome! The theme is Olympic Times in the Bible. We had our very own opening ceremonies, games, lighting of the torch and a fireworks. The children are all so excited. Enjoy these pics!