Friday, May 23, 2008

Drew's Graduation

This is actually a picture of one of Drew's best friends, I thought this was a picture of Drew.

The Three Musketeer's, Ryan K, Adam and Drew. BFF

Well, it's official, Drew is off to Kindergarten (boo-whoo) and his mom's not taking it to well. I just can't imagine being home without him here constantly bouncing a ball or playing hockey in the foyer. It's going to be so quite! I guess I might actually get something accomplished.

His pre-k graduation was very cute. They walked in to the graduation theme song, showed a slide show, sang a few songs (which I have to share) and got there diploma. Drew has made some really good friends and I know he is going to miss them. (We love you Ryan K and Adam) We plan on having a great summer, filled with lots of swimming, playing and hopefully time to do summer reading. We'll keep ya posted.

Mother's Day

My nephew, Nick, is following in his father's footsteps and is learning how to play the guitar, he's getting really good. And I guess Anna Claire thought she was Hannah Montana?

I'm a little behind on my blogging but I thought I would share a couple of Mother's Day pics. Saturday, we had the Stephen and Smith family over for a cookout, Drew and Luke played ball and Anna Claire and Kate played babies. FunFunFun! Sunday after church, we headed to Columbia to spend the day with my family. With 2 brothers, 4 nephews, Drew and Andy, it's just one big ballgame in the front yard.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Card

This is to cute not to share. Drew made this card for me at school, the teacher asked him fill in the blank questions and they are quite funny.

My mom is the best mom in the whole world! She is "31" years old. She is "27in." tall and weighs "28 pounds". I think she looks very pretty when she "watches me play baseball." I think she looks kind of funny when "she is talking to Laura and laughs at jokes." That makes me laugh! My favorite thing to do with my mom is "play games." I wish my mom and I could "play uno." My mom can "do the gym" better than anyone else! I love her because "she kisses me when I get in her bed and snuggle." If I could buy her anything in the world, it would be "a pretty ring."
Happy Mothers Day, Mom!
I love you!

Thanks Drew for not sharing my real weight! I love you too!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prayer Request

One of my good friends, Laura Webber is having a very important procedure done at Vanderbilt,
Monday, May 12. Please remember Laura and her husband, Josh, in your prayers. Thank You

Monday, May 5, 2008

Drew's skating lessons

Andy risked his life to skate with his son.

Andy and I finally gave in and signed Drew up for skating lessons. He wants to play hockey so bad, so we decided to enroll him in a skate school. He's doing great, he's had 2 lesson, the first lesson he fell all over the place but tonight he only fell 1 time. Hopefully, he will take after his Grandfather, Papa, and be an awesome hockey player. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and yes, that's Anna Claire on the ice in flip flops and no jacket, you can't tell her nothing!

Sothern Hills Ladies Retreat

Our church had it's Ladies Retreat this past weekend. We had a blast. There was a group of us that stayed up talking and only managed to get about 3 hours of sleep, it was worth it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Luke turns 6!

My nephew, Luke, had his 6th birthday party. I can't believe he is 6 years old. Drew and Anna Claire had a great time at his "hunting" party. All the kids dressed in camo and brought there toy guns and practiced there aim on a deer decoy.


Drew got to see 2 of his cousins this past weekend, he was so happy. Brady came to Drew's game and then we went to watch Jack play his game.


We have been taking advantage of these beautiful day! The kids love to go to the park.