Thursday, August 21, 2008

A few more school pics

See what I mean about the cute girls, we had only been in the room less than 5 minutes.
Already hard at work.
This is Mrs. Moss standing over him, she is lucky to have Drew!

Drew's 1st Day of Kindergarten

I knew this day would come when he didn't want to kiss me anymore, just didn't think it would be this soon.

We all survived our first day of school! Drew was extremely brave and very happy to see some cute girls in his class, he has already claimed 2 of them. I'm sure he will make his rounds. Mom was really brave also, I didn't even shed a tear knowing that I'm leaving my favorite boy with complete strangers. He has a great teacher that is very upbeat and happy and that helped us all. We look forward to this journey Drew is about to travel. We are so proud of him! I love you Drew-bug.

Titans Game

Girls will be girls! Thanks Aunt Cindy for the invite to the game, we had a great time.
So glad the game didn't cramp little miss Anna Claire's style and she was still able to get her manicure.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Potty Training in Progress

I'm in the process of potty training Anna Claire and she is doing great EXCEPT the poop factor, which happens to be very important. Today is Day 8 in panties (we skipped the pull-ups) and she's about got the pee peeing but she has yet to poop in the potty. I know what your thinking and yes, it's been very gross, that's why I need you help.....Any suggestions on how to get her to poop in the potty??? Please help, she starts school in 1 week and I really would hate to do that to her teacher. Thanks!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Getting Drew prepared for kindergarten

Drew before his assessment test.
New school shoes
My big, brave boy walking into Crockett.
His reward for being a big boy was a day at Chucky Cheese and this is what they looked like when they left.