Monday, June 23, 2008

You Might be a Red Neck if.......

No need to take a "double take," you were right the first time, these are Wild Boar and that would be my precious husband proudly showing off the bacon he would soon bring home to his family. Oh, and I forgot, he also brought home the "head" of the one he shot and put it in our deep freeze until he decides whether or not to have it mounted.
Anyone want to come over for a cookout, we have plenty on tenderloin or how about breakfast, you know, ham and biscuits.


Julie S said...

By the way, Andy wasn't the one that killed "Baby Piglet"

Wendy Worley said...

Tucker loved the pictures! Becca just finished taking the Hunter's Safety Course, so she's ready to hunt!

Mindy said...

I was just about to make a comment to ask you about the baby...
I am SO down with coming over for some bacon. That sounds SO good!!

Kelly Swindell and Tol Swindell said...

WOW! You really weren't kidding when you told me about those the other night! Those things are huge!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to come over for some pig. The kids were wanting to play with Drew and Anna Claire anyway. We could kill two birds with one stone. HAHA